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Together with you, we want to become better through analysis
We as DB Cargo AG would like to improve our service for you and for this purpose analyze data during use.
You can continue without this analysis by default via "Decline".
Alternatively, you can accept all analysis methods or change them at any time via "Manage analysis". You can find more details in our privacy policy and Legal Notice.
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Adobe Analytics
This website uses Adobe Analytics, a web analytics service provided
by Adobe Systems Software Ireland Limited (4-6 Riverwalk, City West
Business Campus, Dublin 24, Ireland) ("Adobe"), to analyze and
periodically improve the use of the website. Adobe Analytics uses
cookies with a duration of 24 months, which are stored on your
device, and which allow an analysis of your use of the website.
Since a procedure to anonymize your IP address is activated on this
website, your IP address is shortened beforehand. With the help of
this information, we can see which sections and texts on our pages
are read and used how often and whether the design of our site has
an influence on the amount of use. The statistics obtained enable us
to improve our offer and make it more interesting for you as a user.
This information is processed by Adobe exclusively as cumulative
data representing general website usage. The data we process using
Adobe Analytics is not personally identifiable or traceable to an
The legal basis for the use of Adobe Analytics is
Section 25 (1) sentence 1 TTDSG in conjunction with Article 6 (1)
sentence 1 lit. a) DSGVO.